Main Page
About The Department
Date of Establishment
Mission , Vision , Objectives
Work Fields for Graduates
Administrative Structure
Advisory committee
Head of the department
Chair woman of the DBS
Towards ABET Accreditation
Microbiology program
Zoology program
Botany program
Towards NCAAA Accreditation
Micobiology program
Zoology Program
Botany Program
Department members
Academic Members
Microbiology Program
Zoology Program
Botany Program
Genetic Program
Bachelor Courses
Courses 100
BIO 110
Courses 200
BIO 200
BIO 202
BIO 221
BIO 222
BIO 231
BIO 241
BIO 251
BIO 271
BIO 281
Courses 300
BIO 325
BIO 330
BIO 331
BIO 332
BIO 333
BIO 334
BIO 335
BIO 336
BIO 341
BIO 342
BIO 343
BIO 344
BIO 345
BIO 348
BIO 351
BIO 352
BIO 353
BIO 354
BIO 355
BIO 356
BIO 357
BIO 358
BIO 359
BIO 390
BIO 391
BIO 392
Courses 430 to 448
BIO 430
BIO 431
BIO 432
BIO 434
BIO 435
BIO 436
BIO 437
BIO 438
BIO 440
BIO 441
BIO 442
BIO 443
BIO 444
BIO 445
BIO 446
BIO 447
BIO 448
Courses 450 to 471
BIO 450
BIO 451
BIO 452
BIO 453
BIO 454
BIO 455
BIO 456
BIO 457
BIO 458
BIO 459
BIO 460
BIO 461
BIO 462
BIO 463
BIO 464
BIO 465
BIO 466
BIO 471
Scientific Journal
Central Labs
Postgraduate Studies
Department units
Department activities
Alumni Unit
Latest News
Our Contacts
Girls Campus
Males Campus
Research and Innovations
University Life
biological sciences department
إعلان هام لطلاب وطالبات السنة التحضيرية
Last Update
3/25/2012 12:18:39 PM
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