Strategic Plan for Zoology Program


 Compete domestically and internationally in the quality of Zoology program's outcomes and alignment to the job market.


Preparing a distinguished graduate with a scientific background in animal sciences, and personal and community skills.


  Creativity - sustainability - leadership - sincerity


  • Prepare graduates with the knowledge and skills required for further career opportunities in animal sciences.
  • Engage students in scientific investigations.
  • Support students' participation in activities that serve the community.


Graduate Attributes:

B.Sc. in Zoology graduate attributes:

The Zoology program, qualifies the students after his/her graduation to:

1. Possess the knowledge of applicable animal science and understand the basic principles of research methodology. 

2. Make knowledgeable decisions based on proven information.

3. Able to network, work within a team and communicate effectively to solve workplace problems.

4. Willing to face and learn from errors and listen openly to feedback; being flexible and adaptable.


Strategic plan


Zoology program handbook

Last Update
3/24/2022 9:50:40 AM