BIO 451



Course No.

Course Title

No. of Units






Bio 451





Bio 251



  • Course Description:

    The course aims to provide students with a theoretical understanding of parasites as the obligate relationship between different organisms. It also includes gaining a scientific understanding of the parasite life cycle and its relationship with its host, how to break down the cycle chain to control the parasite pathogenicity and prevent disease.


  • Course Main Objective:
    1. To gain sufficient knowledge about the characteristics of parasitic animals.
    2.  To identify the structure and classification of all the protozoan, trematodes, cestodes, monogenean and nematodes parasites, and the relationship between those animal groups
    3.  To recognize the relationships between parasites and their hosts.
    4. To understand the parasitic disease pathogenicity, its symptoms and diagnosis.
    5.  To practice the methodology of treating parasitic diseases and controlling the parasite to prevent its epidemiology.


  • Learning Resources
  1. Cox, F. E. G. (2009). Modern parasitology. S.l.: Wiley InterScience
  2. John, D. T., Markell, E. K., Petri, W. A., Voge, M., & Markell, E. K. (2013). Markell and Voge's medical parasitology. Saunders
  3. Chiodini, P.L. et al.,(2003). Atlas of medical helminthology and protozoology, Fourth edition, Churchill Livingstone, An imprint of Elsevier Science Limited. *
  4. كتاب الطفيليات الطبية و ناقلات الأمراض )1988 )تأليف الدكتور محمد الصادق عرفه الشهاوي، الطبعة الأولى، مكتبة مصباح، المملكة العربية السعودية.
  5. علم الطفيليات الطبي )2002 )تأليف إبراهيم علي الطيار وآخرون، الطبعة األولى، * مطبعة الروزنا اربد، المملكة األردنية الهاشمية
  6. Tropical Parasitology :
  7. Microscope slides and parasite samples in formalin


Last Update
10/13/2009 10:32:58 PM